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Sometimes, It’s the Things You Don’t See That Can Hurt You

Carpet Phobia: 3 Reasons You Still Might Have Dust Mites even if You Got Rid of All the Carpeting at HomeHow much time and energy do you put into keeping yourself, your family, and others safe, whether it’s in your home, in the car, or when you go outside? If you have young children, you probably stalk over them wherever they go.

“Timmy,” you say, “don’t you dare climb up on that.”

“Jenny, get over here. You know better than to walk out in traffic without looking first.”

There are hazards all around us. Sometimes, though, it’s the things we don’t see that can also hurt us. Some of the things you might not see can exist right there, right in your own home.

We’re not talking about electrical outlets you forgot to cover up for that toddler. We’re not talking about a bathtub you’re running for yourself that your three-year-old is suddenly playing near.

We’re talking about bacteria, germs, allergens, and other foreign contaminants in your house.

‘But I clean the bathroom regularly,’ you’re probably thinking right now.

Sure, you do, but that’s not the only place where germs and bacteria form. The kitchen is another. Did you realize your carpeting is also another?

People are walking all across the carpeting. They might be walking with their shoes, bare feet, or even in their socks. The soles of their shoes, the skin on their feet, and the fabric of their socks can track in dirt, bacteria, and germs from all over the place, from inside and outside your house.

If you vacuum and assume everything’s safe, think again. The next time you vacuum, shine a bright light in the room, drag your feet all across the carpeting, and then step back. You’ll see just how much dust is floating around.

Realize that dust can also represent all of those germs and bacteria and other foreign contaminants.

What can you do about this?

Keep cleaning, keep vacuuming, and consider a professional carpet cleaning service at least once a year. It helps to improve indoor air quality tremendously.

A Simple Tip That Can Help Even the Busiest Home Owner Stay on Top of Cleaning

The Second 3 Steps to Get Your Home Ready for a Summer PartyYou’re a homeowner. You like your house to be clean, but that’s not always practical. You work a full-time job, are raising children, and have many other responsibilities to take care of.

Usually, your major cleaning occurs on the weekend. You might end up spending two, three, or five hours cleaning your house thoroughly. It might take you an hour to vacuum, another hour to clean the rest of the floors, kitchen, and bathroom, and then you get around to dusting and making sure everything else is in tip top shape.

This can lead to burnout quite quickly.

When you burn out doing something, you try to avoid it as often as possible. Suddenly, one weekend you don’t feel like cleaning, so you pass it by. Then, the second weekend arrives and you just don’t feel like it. You might go through the motions, but you’re not doing a good cleaning.

Here’s a simple tip that might help you keep your home looking great and being healthier. Keep in mind that if you avoid vacuuming or don’t consider carpet cleaning services at least once a year, the indoor air quality of your diminishes exponentially.

Simple Cleaning Tip: Clean one room every day.

After you get home from work, once the kids are done with sports and other activities, dinner is over, all you want to do is just relax, right?

However, if you took just 15 minutes, which is less than the total volume of commercials on a one-hour drama TV show, you could vacuum, dust, straighten up, and basically clean thoroughly one room in the house.

Yes, every room is different.

Some rooms will take longer for you to clean than others. Still, if you get into the habit of cleaning up one room every day, you won’t be spending hours on your precious weekends trying to make up for it.

The Three Biggest Myths About Home Carpet Cleaning Services

dollar-signIf you’ve been considering hiring a carpet cleaning service for your home, you may be wary about your decision. You don’t want to make the wrong decision.

You want your home to look its best, but you also want to protect yourself and your family. You’ve heard some horror stories about carpet cleaning services in the past, and you don’t want to be another one that begin circulating through your neighborhood.

If you’re a person who doesn’t even consider home carpet cleaning services, except in very rare circumstances, such as a holiday party or other celebration, or you haven’t been able to commit yourself to this important decision, here are three of the biggest myths to put to rest right now. When you set them aside, you will be able to focus in on the right company much more easily.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #1: They’re too expensive.

Paying somebody a couple of hundred dollars to come in and clean your carpets doesn’t seem reasonable, especially if you can just go out and rent your own carpet cleaning machine or purchase one for regular use. In reality, when you consider the investment you made in your carpeting initially, making a small investment once a year, at least, is a small price to pay to keep them protected.

If you go out and rent your own carpet cleaning machine, you probably have no idea who used it before and that can expose you, your house, and your family to harmful chemicals, bacteria, and other germs.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #2: They don’t matter.

You don’t really need to get your carpet cleaned, do you? If you have one of the most powerful residential vacuum cleaners on the market, you may assume everything’s fine. However, even the most powerful suction isn’t enough to get all of those germs, bacteria, dirt, and other foreign contaminants, including allergens, out of your carpet fibers.

The only way to get them out completely is through a professional carpet cleaning service that uses truck mounted equipment.

Biggest Home Carpet Cleaning Myth #3: Any company is just fine.

You can hire any company, it doesn’t really matter. Hire the cheapest, right?

If you don’t mind having rented cleaning machines coming into your house, possibly dragging in with them germs, bacteria, and really harmful stuff, then go ahead.

If that doesn’t sound appealing, make sure you only choose a company that relies on truck mounted equipment.

3 Ways to Keep Your Indoor Air Quality Decent This Winter

open-windowYou take care of your possessions. You protect your home and family. You do whatever you can to keep it clean and make sure your children and other loved ones are healthy and safe. It’s one of the reasons why you clean regularly.

During the winter, most of us are readily aware that the risk of contracting the flu or other colds increases. This happens because windows and doors are closed most of the time due to the cold weather.

When that happens, indoor air quality declines tremendously. Because of the stagnant air, bacteria, germs, allergens, and other foreign pollutants become fortified with in the house. We don’t have fresh air blowing through from outside, recirculating the air, so the quality diminishes and the risk of illness increases.

Here are three things you can do right now that can improve indoor air quality this upcoming winter season.

1. Open the windows and doors whenever you can.

When the temperature is going to be warm, even if it’s not considered downright comfortable, open the windows and doors in your house for at least 15 or 20 minutes. Turn off the home heating system during that time so it’s not running constantly, losing all of that heat it’s generating immediately.

Circulating the air every so often can have a great benefit at improving the indoor air quality.

2. Get a professional carpet cleaning service.

The next time the sun is pouring into a room in your house or you have wall-to-wall carpeting, walk across the surface of the carpeting. Drag your feet across it. Then step back and see what happens within those rays of sunshine.

You’ll see an incredible amount of dust kicking up into the air. What you don’t see is the bacteria and germs also floating around.

Just because you vacuum weekly doesn’t mean your carpets are clean. It’s best to rely on a professional carpet cleaning service at least once a year.

3. Consider an air purifier.

If anyone in your family has allergies, has a tendency to get sick more easily, or has other health issues, a HEPA air filter is a great asset. Placed strategically in the house, you can help minimize the amount of foreign contaminants floating around.

Three Ways to Keep Your Home Clean During Winter

carpet-cleaning-shoes offDuring the winter, keeping a home clean can be an overwhelming challenge. For those who have young children running around, friends constantly coming over to visit, and playing, it can absolutely be frustrating.

You may vacuum the living room, the bedrooms, sweep and mop the floors, and do all of that every few days and nothing seems to matter. Every time you turn around there seems to be another mess to clean up, footprints outlined in dirt, and you begin seeing the condition of your carpeting decline rapidly.

There are ways you can help prepare your home for winter that will, in essence, help to keep it a bit cleaner throughout the season.

1. Create a mud room.

If you don’t have a mud room, create one. You don’t need a lot of space. All you need to do is create some type of artificial barrier a couple of feet inside the entry door of the house.

If you prefer to have this ‘mud room’ at the side or back door entrance, direct everyone to only come through that door until further notice. This is where they will remove their shoes, possibly their socks, coats, clothes, and hats. You want a nice, solid pad for the boots or shoes to collect the snow, ice, and slush and a rack for everything else.

2. Practice taking off shoes.

If you have children and/or a forgetful spouse, practice this routine before winter precipitation begins falling. Every time you return home, make it a drill. For younger children, you can play a game with it as well.

You can even practice having everyone remove their shoes even if you’re not going anywhere.

3. Keep walkways and the driveway clear of snow and ice.

When it snows a lot, it’s exhausting. You may have a snow thrower, shovel, or something else to help you keep these walkways clean, but if you leave any bit of snow or slush behind, that’s one more opportunity for dirt to get tracked inside your house.

What strategies do you employ to help keep your home cleaner during the winter?

Carpet Cleaning Toronto


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