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Hiding a Stain in the Carpet Isn’t Necessary

Stain RemovalIt happened. You didn’t want it to happen, but you lost control of the plate or glass, or perhaps it was one of your children who did it. Even though the carpet was relatively new, and even though people had been admonished to avoid eating or drinking in those rooms, they did. Maybe it was a pet who had an accident. One thing that happens far too often when these accidents happen to carpeting is people make the wrong moves to try and clean it up and then, when the stain is too obvious, they tried to hide it.

You might move a coffee table, shift the couches around, or place another item over the staining material. As long as it is out of sight, it’s out of mind, right?

That doesn’t have to be the case.

You don’t have to hide a stain and carpet just because you don’t want to look at it anymore. In fact, that isn’t going to solve anything. It will most likely lead to other issues because now that a stain has occurred once, people are going to be much less likely to pay attention moving forward.

Now is the time to hire a professional carpet cleaning service.

Even if the carpet is brand-new, only a few weeks or months old, that doesn’t mean you have to hire a professional and experienced carpet cleaning company for every room in the house. Some companies like Royal Interior Cleaning can be hired to come out your home and do a ‘spot cleaning’ to remove stains or address issues that are isolated to a certain area.

These jobs usually take a matter of minutes rather than hours and won’t require moving any furniture other than what may have been placed over the stain in an effort to hide it.

When you rely on these professional and experienced carpet cleaning services for those minor stains, it will help you keep on top of the condition of your carpets and help you realize just how beneficial a thorough carpet cleaning service could be for every room in your house at least once a year. Plus, you won’t be limited on your interior décor or layout just to hide a stain!

3 Reasons Your Neighbor’s House Is More Comfortable

5 Things to Consider about Cleanliness when Selling Your HomeYou and your neighbor have been friends for years. You have been fortunate to have great neighbors and you appreciate them. One thing you’ve noticed recently, though, is just how much more comfortable their home is compared to yours.

You may have basically the same type of house, a similar layout, and comparable yards. There might be a number of reasons why you feel more comfortable in their house compared to your own. Let’s take a look at three potential reasons this could be happening.

Potential Reason #1: Better interior decor.

The interior decor and layout could have a significant impact on how a person views their comfort in any given house. This doesn’t necessarily mean they have better furniture, but they may be utilizing natural sunlight and open space better than you are.

Do they have fewer items of furniture? If so, it could create a less cluttered atmosphere. Sure, you might have a bunch of kids running around in your house and feel it’s necessary to have those three couches in the living room or family room, but are they constantly being used? If not, it might be a good idea to thin out some of that excess furniture.

Potential Reason #2: Their windows are cleaner.

The cleanliness and appearance of windows can have a significant influence on how comfortable different rooms are. If your windows haven’t been cleaned in a long time, if you have old blinds or curtains constantly covering them, the interior of your house just might feel a bit too dark and drab.

Potential Reason #3: Cleaner carpeting.

You may have noticed some new or clean looking carpeting recently. This not only helps to keep the air fresher, it also provides a cleaner atmosphere and a more comfortable environment. If you haven’t had your carpets cleaned in a long time, now is the time to do that. You might just discover your home feeling even more comfortable than that of your neighbor.

What’s the Most Common Household Item Contaminating Your Carpets?

don't freak out over spilt grape juiceWhether you have brand new wall-to-wall carpeting or they’ve been in place for several years, you do have to worry about stains and other materials that can affect their quality, cleanliness, and possibly even the health of everyone in your household. It’s easy to refuse permission for anyone to bring food items into those rooms with carpeting, but that doesn’t mean everyone is adhering to those wishes or commands.

People enjoy snacking, even in the living room or family room.

They grab a snack, a late dinner, and just want to relax in front of the TV. This may not happen at all with solid diligence during the first few months those carpets are installed. However, over time, people naturally have a tendency to become more relaxed about these rules and expectations. Then, the first little stain, spill, or other issue happens and all bets are off; they will have a tendency to care a lot less once that brand-new car gets its first scratch, or when the carpet gets its first stain.

The most common household item that is likely contaminating your carpets is food or beverage.

It could be spaghetti sauce, mayonnaise, grape juice, some other type of juice, beer or other alcoholic beverages, and so on. Even the subtle things that barely get noticed, like breadcrumbs, will contaminate your carpets over time. While bread may not produce vile odor when dry, if it gets damp or something else happens, even this simple and innocuous food item could become an issue for your carpets.

What can you do to keep them protected?

When you want to have your carpets protected, it may be impractical to guarantee no one will be eating or drinking in those rooms, and if that’s the case, hiring a professional and experienced carpet cleaning service is the best asset.

Having your carpets professionally cleaned at least once per year (twice per year is ideal) can protect them, remove stains, and extend the life of those carpets for years.

What Is That Old Vacuum Telling You?

vacuum-You’re a smart, savvy individual. You don’t waste a lot of money. If something is still working, you keep it, even though there might be newer products out there that are more lightweight, look better, and perform a little bit better. In fact, you still have one of those massive tube style television sets in your house because it keeps working. That’s great, but if you have an old vacuum, is it really doing the job you need it to do?

It might not be cleaning your carpets that well.

Perhaps you take apart the vacuum cleaner at least couple of times a year, clean the beater bar, suck out all of the dirt, change the filters if there’s a HEPA filter, and make sure it is in good operating condition. However, as with most machines it will begin losing power over time. You may have the technical knowledge and fortitude to repair and rebuild a small motor like that, but most people do not do.

So, what could that old vacuum be telling you right now?

It may still look pretty good and be working, but it might not be getting the job done as well as you’d like or even think it’s doing. After all, once you vacuum the bedrooms, the family room, possibly even the area rug in the living room, everything looks pretty good. What you fail to realize, though, is that those carpets just aren’t nearly as clean as they appear on the surface.

Even the most powerful vacuum cleaners today are unable to get all of the dirt, dust, and other debris up from carpet, whether it’s a Berber style or deep pile. These particulates get caught in the fibers and become extremely impervious to suction.

That’s why a carpet cleaning service is so important to making sure your carpets are not just looking their best, but being as clean and protected as possible.

Can Damaged Carpeting Be Repaired?

That ‘New Carpet’ Smell isn’t Always PleasantThe carpeting in your house is only a couple of years old, at best. Maybe you have a bunch of kids running around constantly and they just don’t listen. You tell them not to go on the carpeting with their dirty shoes, but it’s difficult to get your spouse to remove his or her shoes when they get home, let alone your kids. Now you notice some damage.

It might be from cats that seem to think carpet is a good scratching pad.

Whatever the damage has been caused by, it can be frustrating. After all, you spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on this gorgeous carpeting and you wanted it to last at least eight or 10 years. Now it looks like you’re just going to have to ‘deal with it’ for the next six, seven, or eight years.

From this point on, though, things are only going to get worse.

When you get frustrated because all your effort to make something look good has gone out the window (or that’s how you perceive it), you will stop caring about the carpet, whether people take care of it, or whether the cats continue to use it as their personal scratching post or litter box.

Keep in mind damaged carpeting can be repaired.

Not all carpeting will be able to be repaired, at least not as effectively as you may hope. With that being said, an experienced carpet cleaning service that also provides repair services could be a valuable asset.

What caused the damage?

Was it due to a cut, scrape, stain, flood, or something else? In many of these situations something can be done to help. Also, do you have an extra section of the carpeting stored somewhere?

You might have been handed some of the excess carpeting when the installers came and did the work. That might be in your attic, a garage, or possibly even a shed. If you didn’t keep it, that may limit options when it comes to potential repairs.

Don’t lose hope, though, because the more experience a carpet cleaning service has, the more options they will be able to offer for repairing damaged carpet.

Carpet Cleaning Toronto


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